NEW 2020 Versions

Starting 2020 we have released a new SAP B1 Avatax add-on version including some very important changes, improvements and features.

All versions starting from 20xxxxxx are compatible with SAP 9.3 PL12 or later.

Main features released in this new add-on are:

  • Support for using the External Tax calculation released by SAP in 9.3 PL12. This is storing the calculated taxes in SAP tax tables, and display the tax in the SAP native Tax field at the document header level.
  • Previous calculation modes: tax as line item and tax as freight (additional expense) are still supported with no changes.
  • Calculation API was updated to use the latest available methods provided by Avalara.
  • SAP B1 visual calculation was totally redesigned, eliminating flickering and pop-ups during calculation, and reducing the calculation time.

This new version has been officially certificated against Avalara for tax calculation compliance, and against SAP for add-on certification (HANA and SQL).

This video shows some of the new important features and compare some behaviors with older versions.